Questions about 2200, 2300, and 2400 model IRISes.

Ned Nowotny ned at
Sun Dec 17 15:51:56 AEST 1989

I may have the opportunity to pick up a used model 2200, 2300, or
2400.  However, I have a few questions.

1)  Are these models still sold and/or supported by SGI?

2)  What version of the SGI operating system and development tools might
    be available for these machines?  What are the prices for a license?

3)  What level of BSD UNIX support is available in the SGI OS?

4)  Do I really want one of these?  How cheaply should I be able to get
    one for the answer to be yes?

For what it is worth, I am looking into these machines with a desire for
a UNIX workstation with goods graphics, good performance, and a fair amount
of mass storage.  I would also like a decently performing X window system
for portable development in addition to 4Sight and NeWS.

Ned Nowotny, MCC CAD Program, Box 200195, Austin, TX  78720  Ph: (512) 338-3715
ARPA: ned at                   UUCP: ...!!milano!cadillac!ned
"We have ways to make you scream." - Intel advertisement in the June 1989 DDJ.

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