Compiler bugs?

David B. Anderson davea at
Tue Dec 5 04:32:51 AEST 1989

In article <8912040056.aa01435 at SMOKE.BRL.MIL> XBR2D96D at DDATHD21.BITNET (Knobi der Rechnerschrat) writes:
>  I discovered the following two bugs  in the C and f77 compiler of 3.2. I know
>I should report them directly to Calvin Vu, but I've lost his e-mail address.
[stuff deleted about f77]
>  Second, a colleague asked me to test the following c code on our 4D/70-GT.
[stuff deleted]
[stuff deleted]
>The code compiles fine (that's ok), but ld complains about not finding
>_elsef1. That means it just removes the comment without replacing it by a
>white space character as stated by K&R. Thats either a violation of K&Rs'
>definiton of comments, or a violation of the rule that comments may

We use the traditional AT&T Reiser cpp.  That cpp has, as has been
mentioned many times (in other newgroups, not this one), that /* */
behavior.  Since many programs depend on the erroneous behavior cpp
cannot be changed.

In the release after 3.2, we allow optional use of an ANSI cpp (with
the -acpp flag).     acpp does not exibit the behavior mentioned
by Mr. Rechnerschrat.

[ David B. Anderson  Silicon Graphics  (415)335-1548  davea at ]

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