Fujitsu M2249E (hard disk) in an IRIS 3130

Chris Ott chris at spock
Mon Jan 30 10:35:11 AEST 1989

     I have the following problem: I have a disk drive that was purchased
by another person. I would like to install it on our IRIS 3130, but I
can't find any documentation for it. I've tried to format it and check it
out with the "sifex" program, and it formats okay, but it comes up with
many errors when I try to run tests on it. The disk is a Fujitsu M2249E,
and of the twenty or so models "sifex" can handle, the M2249E doesn't
appear to be listed. The closest I could get is the 51217 selection, but
that's for the Hitachi 512-17. At least then I could format the disk.
Is there a better selection, or is it just impossible to get the M2249E
to work on our IRISes?

     It would also be nice to have the following information:

  1) How big is it? (megabytes)

  2) How many heads/cylinders/blocks per cylinder does it have?

  3) What do all of the jumper selectors do? I have documentation for our
     Hitachi disk, so I can read the jumpers off of it and set the
     appropriate jumpers on the Fujitsu.

     Any information would be _greatly_ appreciated.


 Chris Ott
 Computational Fluid Mechanics Lab        Infatuation is blind, not love. A
 University of Arizona                      person in love can see the other's
                                            faults, but loves them anyway.
 Internet: chris at
 UUCP: {allegra,cmcl2,hao!noao}!arizona!amethyst!spock!chris

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