Tony Facca
fsfacca at LERC08.NAS.NASA.GOV
Wed May 24 23:21:24 AEST 1989
Tom Haapanen <!utgpu!watmath!maytag!watvlsi!watale!mims-iris!tom at> writes:
[ background stuff deleted ]
>OK, so I suppose you could figure out a way to modify the size and font
>of the default window using PostScript in, but for me, it was a
>lot easier looking it up in, and changing the window to be 40x80
>in font ScreenBold. Have I committed a deadly sin?
I can't speak for Mark, but changing is not "really" that dangerous,
if, as Mark points out, you know what you are doing. If you goof, the window
manager may not come up at all. If you have a backup and know how to recover,
there is not much to worry aboout. I have done EXACTLY the same thing as you
did in the past. With each new release, I had to re-edit the file
and do it again. It turns out to be much less hassel to bite the bullet and
learn how to use the window manager. Actually, the 4Sight documentation is
quite helpful in this area.
>(The default window size/placement is very annoying, as the pointer is
>initially outside the window, so the window isn't active & you can't type).
I don't understand at all why SGI does this. Why not supply a window default
configuration that can be used as is?? Is this to force us to learn
how to do it ourselves?
I have included the following lines to the default /usr/NeWS/lib/
file which makes it at least bearable for users who don't care to modify
their own files:
---------------------------- sample ------------------------------
% User customization file.
% Author: Tony Facca
% Date: October 20, 1988
% This files contains information needed to configure the window manager
% for each user.
% You can modify this file to your taste.
/RestartActions [
{ (demochest) forkunix }
{ (wsh -n c_shell -t"$USER on `hostname`" -fScreenBold.12) forkunix}
{ (clock) forkunix }
] def
(clock) 1150 20 110 100 makepreference
(c_shell) 100 150 preforigin
(console) 165 820 600 150 makepreference
------------------------ end of code segment ------------------------
This just moves the console out of the way, and starts a "wsh" with better
placement and font size. It also provides an example (clock) of how to add
your own favorite tools, etc. to the file, for users who care to
add to it.
Tony Facca | phone: 216-433-8318
NASA Lewis Research Center |
Cleveland, Ohio 44135 | email: fsfacca at
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