wanted: tcsh for IRIX 3.1D on 4D/120
root at helios.toronto.edu
Thu May 11 02:00:52 AEST 1989
We recently acquired an IRIS 4D/120 running IRIX 3.1D. Most of our users are
most familiar with the tcsh, and I would like to get this running on the Iris.
We need the following features:
1. Job control
2. Command-line recall
3. execute .tcshrc and .login
the bind command
I do have a copy of a tcsh binary, but it does not have job control and it
does not automatically source .tcshrc on login (it does read .login, however,
so that's not the end of the world). Given a choice between job control and
command-line recall, I'll pick the job control any day and just give people
csh as their default shell.
If you have a copy of tcsh that runs on IRIX or another SysV (some Berkeley
compatibility is available, mostly the libraries), and you are willing to
let me have a copy, please send me a mail message. I will get in touch with
whoever is closest, to get a tar/shar file.
Thank you all.
Ruth Milner UUCP - {uunet,pyramid}!utai!helios.physics!sysruth
Systems Manager BITNET - sysruth at utorphys
U. of Toronto INTERNET - sysruth at helios.physics.utoronto.ca
Physics/Astronomy/CITA Computing Consortium
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