Job opening
Michael L. Johnson
mlj8e at dale.acc.Virginia.EDU
Tue May 23 22:42:21 AEST 1989
A friend at U. Maryland Baltimore Campus ask me to distribute this
info about a job opening. Please do not respond to me directly.
Also, he is not on the net so U.S.Mail will have to be used.
Computer Scientist and support position is available for a newly
established Molecular Graphics Facility. This facility currently
consists of a Silicon Graphics 4D120GTX and a 4D70 server as well
as several lesser machines.
It appears that this is an entry level position, but salary will
be negotiable with experience.
For more information write to Dr. Joseph Lakowicz, University of
Maryland School of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry,
660 West Redwood Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201. ASAP.
(804)-924-8607 Michael L. Johnson
mlj8e at virginia.EDU Pharmacology Dept.
uunet!virginia!mlj8e Box 448; Univ. of Va.
mlj8e at virginia.BITNET Charlottesville, Va. 22908
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