3.1D Upgrade problems
Tom Russo
russo at chaos.utexas.edu
Tue May 9 06:31:12 AEST 1989
We have recently installed the "maintenance tapes" to bring our IRIX up to
3.1D on 2 personal irises and a 4server8. Now 4sight seems to be broken in
a wierd way: Most of us here have user.ps files to remap keys, put up tools,
and fire up toolchests. Those of us who do have these things in our directories
now find that the tools and chests fail to come up one time in 3. The user.ps
files look like this:
---------here comes user.ps -----------
% User customization file.
/RestartActions [
{ (demochest) forkunix }
{ (clock) forkunix }
{ (wsh -n Editor -f Courier-Bold.16 -C 0,7,4,4 -c /usr/local/bin/emacs) forkunix}
{ (ical) forkunix }
{ (hostchest) forkunix}
] def
(clock) 1150 800 110 110 makepreference
(ical) 1000 800 preforigin
(wsh -n Editor -f Courier-Bold.16 -C 0,7,4,4 -c /usr/local/bin/emacs) 500 500 1000 800 makepreference
/replacekeys { % origkeyvals_array changedkeyvals_array -> -
/changedvals exch def
/origvals exch def
/keysdict origvals length dict def
keysdict begin
0 1 origvals length 1 sub {
dup origvals exch get changedvals
3 2 roll get def
} for
createevent dup begin
/Name origvals def
/Priority 2 def
/Exclusivity true def
awaitevent dup dup begin
/Name get keysdict exch get /Name exch def
} loop
} fork pop pop pop
} def
% remap keys:
% caps lock (28420) mapped to control (left side) (28419)
% ~/` mapped to escape
% F1 mapped to ~`
% backspace mapped to delete
% delete mapped to backspace
[28420 28471 28562 28477 28478][28419 28423 28471 28478 28477] replacekeys
--------that was user.ps --------------
Has anyone else experienced similar problems? Is there something obviously
stupid in the user.ps? Clearly, the problem is rooted in the user.ps file,
since users without this file (most people use the same one as above) do
not have any problem with missing toolchests. We just can't see the problem.
|Thomas Russo | russo at chaos.utexas.edu |
|Center for Nonlinear Dynamics, University of Texas at Austin |
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