Need LPD code for SGIs

Mark Callow msc at
Fri Sep 15 07:44:58 AEST 1989

In article <8909122300.AA17305 at>,
ccsupos%prism at GATECH.EDU ("SCHREIBER, O. A.") writes:
> What are the lpd codes please?
> We have been having a lot of shut downs of the window server
> due to
> signal 15
> I do not know what causes that to happen.
> Olivier Schreiber (404)894 6147, Office of Computing Services

lpd codes?  What's that got to do with the signal 15?

signal 15 is SIGTERM.  Something has sent a SIGTERM to the window
server UNIX kills the process.  The only reason I know of why
this signal would be sent is that something happened to the graphics
subsystem such that it needed to be reset.  When this happens the kernel
sends a SIGTERM to all graphics processes to remove them prior to
resetting the graphics.  You are probably running some program that does
bad things to the graphics pipeline.  There should be some other message
in your syslog file such as "fifo timeout".
>From the TARDIS of Mark Callow
msc at, ...{ames,decwrl,sun}!sgi!msc
"There is much virtue in a window.  It is to a human being as a frame is to
a painting, as a proscenium to a play.  It strongly defines its content."

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