C compiler optimization bug?

Deb Ryan deb at kea.wpd.sgi.com
Wed Apr 11 05:03:38 AEST 1990

In article <1990Apr7.190012.22354 at jarvis.csri.toronto.edu>, lansd at dgp.toronto.edu (Robert Lansdale) writes:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 	/* Calculate weights and Col at each of the points */
> 	wt0 = xLowWt * yLowWt;
> 	wt1 = xLowWt * yHighWt;
> 	wt2 = xHighWt * yLowWt;
> 	wt3 = xHighWt * yHighWt;
> 	c0 = text[yLow * size + xLow];
> 	c1 = text[yHigh * size + xLow];
> 	c2 = text[yLow * size + xHigh];
> 	c3 = text[yHigh * size + xHigh];
> 	/* Calculate averaged colour */
> 	col.r = (c0.r * wt0 + c1.r * wt1 + c2.r * wt2 + c3.r * wt3) / 255.0;
> 	col.g = (c0.g * wt0 + c1.g * wt1 + c2.g * wt2 + c3.g * wt3) / 255.0;
> 	col.b = (c0.b * wt0 + c1.b * wt1 + c2.b * wt2 + c3.b * wt3) / 255.0;
> #if 0
> printf("Weights: wt0 = %g, wt1 = %g, wt2 = %g, wt3 = %g\n", wt0, wt1, wt2, wt3);
> printf("Red colours: 0 = %d, 1 = %d, 2 = %d, 3 = %d\n", c0.r, c1.r, c2.r, c3.r);
> #endif
> printf("Colour = %g, %g, %g\n", col.r, col.g, col.b);
> 	return (col);
> }

I've looked at an executable version of this code.  There was an 
optimizer bug in 3.2.  It has been fixed, and will be available in the
next release.

					 deb at sgi.com
 					 Deborah Ryan Caruso @ Silicon Graphics

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