Need info for using WorkSpace under Yellow Pages
dave "who can do? ratmandu!" ratcliffe
dave at
Sat Apr 14 05:35:48 AEST 1990
In article <1281 at sdrc.UUCP> crscott at sdrc.UUCP (Scott_Klosterman) writes:
> A while back some-one posted a message which showed how
> to run workspace under Yellow Pages. Basically you just
> copy the /etc/services entry to your yp master. If
> some-one has a copy of this Please send it to me as
> I forgot what I did and I can't find the fix.
> Thanks uunet!sdrc!crscott
tried to mail this, couldn't get thru to scott.....
maybe this'll work....
To: crscott at sdrc.UUCP
Subject: Re: Need info for using WorkSpace under Yellow Pages
Newsgroups: comp.sys.sgi
In-Reply-To: <1281 at sdrc.UUCP>
Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA
Subject: 3.2: introducing ws to yp
cust was finding one of 2 problems occuring when, on their 3.2 4D machine,
they tried to either fire up ypbind AFTER workspace was already running,
OR trying to invoke workspace AFTER ypbind was already running.
1. if workspace is already running and invokes ypbind the system hangs solid
2. if ypbind is already running and they try to invoke workspace they get
the error "can't connect with file access monitor".
The problem was that their YP server machine was not a 3.2 IRIX machine
(in this case it wasn't even an IRIS--it was a SUN). below are three
ultimate knowledge pieces:
Fact: If a site is running 3.2 software, its YP master machine must also
be running the 3.2 version of /etc/rpc, which has the services needed for
file system monitoring contained within it.
On the YP master, after making sure /etc/rpc is the 3.2 version (with
sgi_fam and sgi_toolkitbus entries), they should
cd /usr/etc/yp
make rpc
and watch things happen.
ALL this yp and workspace stuff :
Two problems have been around :
1 - If the yp server is not running 3.2, the /etc/rpc database for
everyone who is using yp will not have sgi_fam and sgi_toolkitbusd in it.
To fix this, the following lines should be added to /etc/rpc on the server:
sgi_toolkitbus 391001
sgi_fam 391002
Then, you should ( on the server )
cd /usr/etc/yp; make rpc
2 - Some people on larger networks have had trouble with autoworkspace.
Basically, if the network is large and slow enough, the yp server is
not resolved by the time the system tries to start the workspace,
and so the workspace fails to start ( since it can't connect to fam,
since yp won't tell it how to....)
A second or so later, if you try to start the workspace from the system
menu, it starts up fine ( since yp has by then gotten it's act together...)
daveus rattus
yer friendly neighborhood ratman
"There is no moral problem there. I used to teach ethics--trust me."
-- Bush administration drug czar William Bennett,
on the idea of decapitating drug dealers.
Newsgroups: comp.sys.sgi
Subject: Re: Need info for using WorkSpace under Yellow Pages
References: <1281 at sdrc.UUCP>
Organization: Silicon Graphics, Inc., Mountain View, CA
In article <1281 at sdrc.UUCP> crscott at sdrc.UUCP (Scott_Klosterman) writes:
> A while back some-one posted a message which showed how
> to run workspace under Yellow Pages. Basically you just
> copy the /etc/services entry to your yp master. If
> some-one has a copy of this Please send it to me as
> I forgot what I did and I can't find the fix.
> Thanks uunet!sdrc!crscott
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