Seagate Drives for 4D2x

Frank Perdicaro frank at contex.UUCP
Wed Aug 22 05:37:03 AEST 1990

   I recently talked a Seagate rep about drives.  He said a few interesting 
   things.  There is apparently a second version of the Wren 7 Elite.  This
   version fits form factor and dissipates 37 watts ( as opposed to the 
   original 45 ).  Its capacity is 1.6Gb unformatted.  It is my guess
   this will produce a 1350 Mb file system when the whole disk is used. 
   Also, the Wren 8 is just around the corner.  It has a 1.6Gb unformatted
   capacity, but is not as fast or as hot as the new Wren 7 Elite.

   These drives will be hard to get but available late this year.

   The question is, does the 3.3 fx deal with these drives as well as it
   deals with the rest of the Seagate line?

   Any words from the halls of SGI?
   The 3.3 kernel is great.   When used with enough memory, it has a major
   impact on our disk-intensive image crunching.   Thanks.
	Frank E Perdicaro, Systems Admin, etc.		Xyvision Design Systems
   LEGALIZE Guns, drugs and		101 Edgewater Drive
inhouse:  frank at bugs 					Wakefield MA
outhouse: contex!frank at			018801285

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