WorkSpace from NFS mounted home directory

Dave Carek eddc at
Wed Aug 29 03:30:10 AEST 1990

Does anybody know how to get WorkSpace to start when your home directory
is NFS mounted to another machine?  I checked the autostart parameter
using the System Manager and it says it should start.  Right now I'm
using the default file.  If I log in on the machine where my
home directory is WorkSpace starts fine, but if I try to log in from
a different machine that has my home directory NFS mounted to it, 
WorkSpace will not start.  It won't even start if I try it from the
System Menu.

Thanks in advance.
| David Carek                   |   phone: 216-433-8396               |
| NASA Lewis Research Center    |                                     |
| Cleveland, Ohio  44135        |   email: eddc at    |
| Engineer -> An innovative imaginative scientist who must design the |
|       improbable using the impossible on a budget that is invisible |

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