Rack mounted 4D/20

Jeff P. M. Hultquist hultquis at nas.nasa.gov
Tue Aug 28 05:22:10 AEST 1990

In article <1990Aug25.234947.6323 at odin.corp.sgi.com> olson at anchor.esd.sgi.com (Dave Olson) writes:

>   From: olson at anchor.esd.sgi.com (Dave Olson)
>   In <3209 at dftsrv.gsfc.nasa.gov> buck at drax.gsfc.nasa.gov 
>   (Loren (Buck) Buchanan) writes:
>   | A previous posting talked about the chassis of the PI, and that reminded
>   | me that our customer would like to have a PI rack mounted rather than 
>   | eating up floor space.  Has anyone done this?  Is it available from SGI?
>   It is certainly doable.  We built one (at least) for a trade show,
>   but I don't think we or any of our Geometry Partners market such
>   a machine.

This would be a great idea.  At NASA-Ames, we have several 
machine rooms which are full, but only below one's knees.
We have been forced to build shelves in order to get decent
use out of these rooms.  (Actually, we use old tables, and
we place machines on top and underneath!)

Jeff Hultquist				hultquis at nas.nasa.gov
NASA - Ames Research Center		(415) 604-4970
Disclaimer:  "I am not a rocket scientist."

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