Advice on adding Wren Drive

Dave Olson olson at
Sun Aug 26 09:55:09 AEST 1990

In <HOLLAN.90Aug24092151 at> hollan at (Jim Hollan) writes:
| I would appreciate any advice on adding a Wren 7 scsi drive to a
| 320vgx that has a Hitachi 780MB scsi drive as drive 1.  SGI seems
| to have yet another "standard" cable connector.

The only SCSI connectors on all of the SGI machines conform to the SCSI
standards.  If you don't have the external SCSI connector, then you
only have the internal 50 pin ribbon cables, which plug directly into
most SCSI drives, including the Wren VII (now Seagate ST4767N or
ST41200N, depending on which one you have).  Both have been announced
for the 4D20 and 4D25, but have not been qualified on other SGI
machines.  Chances are good that it will work, but you are on
your own...

	Dave Olson

Life would be so much easier if we could just look at the source code.

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