TAE Plus toolkit?

John H Merritt merritt at iris613.gsfc.nasa.gov
Wed Aug 29 05:26:23 AEST 1990

In article <9008281049.aa18208 at VGR.BRL.MIL> ACCLRU at HOFSTRA.BITNET writes:
>Does anyone know where one can obtain the TAE Plus X-windows toolkit
>developed by NASA?
Contact COSMIC at

		University of Georgia
		382 East Broad St.
		Athens, Ga. 30602
		(404) 542-3265 (Karen)
They supply a large number of NASA software from image processing
to user interfaces.  Ask for the catelogue.

John H. Merritt                   #  Yesterday I knew nothing,
Applied Research Corporation      #  Today I know that.
merritt at iris613.gsfc.nasa.gov     #

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