logging telnet sessions to a file

Aaron Schuman schuman at sgi.com
Tue Aug 14 02:59:40 AEST 1990

How interesting!  My posting was mostly unprinted lines because
of all of those funky control characters in my telnet log file.
I hand edited the file, replacing <control-M> with <carat><M>,
and <control-H> with <carat><H>, so that news would take it, and
here it is:

telnet | tee /tmp/telnet

telnet> Trying
Connected to saffron.wpd.sgi.com.
Escape character is '^]'.

^MIRIX System V.3 (saffron)
^Mlogin: schuman
^MIRIX System V Release 3.3 saffron
^MCopyright (c) 1988,1989,1990 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
^MAll Rights Reserved.
^MMon Aug 13 09:39:15 PDT 1990
^Msaffron /usr/people/schuman > date
^MMon Aug 13 09:39:35 PDT 1990
^Msaffron /usr/people/schuman > ex^H ^^HH ^Hecho 'Do you like it ^H ^H, Dan?'
^MDo you like it, Dan?
^Msaffron /usr/people/schuman > exit
^Msaffron /usr/people/schuman > logout

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