GCC on the Silicon Graphics Iris 3x30?

Steve Jones steve at yoyodyne.MIT.Edu
Sat Aug 4 11:54:54 AEST 1990


	My apologies for bothering everyone with this, but having looked
around, and having stalled in my own efforts...

	Has anyone gotten, perhaps in the misty past, a version of gcc to
build properly on a Silicon Graphics Iris 3D under OS version 3.5 or 3.6?
I did find machine & os specific files in the Emacs distribution that
required minor tweaking, but so far have been unsuccessful with gcc.
	Any general tips on porting to SysV/68020 systems would be useful
as well. I can provide more details of what I've done via EMail.

	Please reply via EMail, and I'll redistribute accordingly.

	After negotiating this hurdle, X11 is on the block. If you can
kill two birds...

Thanks very much for your patience,
Steve Jones    MIT/VAX Resource Center, Cambridge MA  02139    617/253-7438
Internet addresses:  steve at isis.mit.edu  steve at yoyodyne.mit.edu
"Chaos will ensue if the variable i is altered..." - SysV Programmers Guide

Steve Jones    MIT/VAX Resource Center, Cambridge MA  02139    617/253-7438
Internet addresses:  steve at isis.mit.edu  steve at yoyodyne.mit.edu
"Chaos will ensue if the variable i is altered..." - SysV Programmers Guide

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