Does the 4D-25 come with 2Mb or 1Mb SIMMS?

Peter S. Shenkin shenkin at
Mon Aug 20 07:03:43 AEST 1990

Well, the Subject line doesn't quite say it all;  I'd also like to know

	the machine will accept 4Mb SIMMS
	if not, whether 1's and 2's can be mixed.

The (obvious) reason for asking:  I plan to get a 4D-25 with minimal
memory and purchase up to the max from a third party.  If the machine
I buy comes with 8Mb of 1Mb SIMMS, then I can't upgrade to 32Mb without
discarding the initial 8Mb.  On the other hand, if the basic configuration
comes with 8Mb on 2's, then I can just purchase add-ons....

Is 2Mb SIMMS are not standard on an 8Mb 4D-25, is there a way to ensure
that I get them when I order my machine?

Peter S. Shenkin, Department of Chemistry, Barnard College, New York, NY  10027
(212)854-1418  shenkin at  shenkin at cunixc(Bitnet)
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