
Drew R Whitehouse drw900 at anusf.anu.edu.au
Thu Aug 30 09:49:05 AEST 1990

	I'm trying to run an xterm client from a 4D210 on a Sun SLC
sparcstaion running a R4 server and I get the following....(other clients eg 
xload run fine)

[grafix:~]: xterm
X Error:  BadValue
  Request Major code 2 ()
  Request Minor code 0
  ResourceID 0x20030
  Error Serial #55
  Current Serial #56

	Any xpert's know what's happening here ?

/* Drew Whitehouse,                        E-mail:  drw900 at anusf.anu.edu.au  */
/* Visualization Programmer,               Fax   : (06) 2473425              */
/* Australian National University,         Phone : (06) 2495985              */
/* Supercomputer Facility.                                                   */
/* GPO Box 4, Canberra ACT Australia 2601.                                   */

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