Rack mounted 4D/20

Frank J. Nagy:VAX Guru,Wizard&Loose Cannon nagy%warner.dnet at fngate
Tue Aug 28 21:41:20 AEST 1990

We have rack-mounted PIs by removing their side panels and installing
rack slide kits salvaged from some old Digital gear (PDP-11s maybe?).
We currently have a "farm" of 20+ PIs installed in standard Fermilab
19" relay racks this way to provide event reconstruction production
capacity.  Contact Marc Haibeck (Haibeck at fnal.bitnet or haibeck at fnal.fnal.gov)
for details.

= Dr. Frank J. Nagy   "VAX Guru & Wizard"
= Fermilab Computing Division/Distributed Computing Dept/Special Projects Grp
= HEPnet/SPAN: WARNER::NAGY (43198::NAGY) or FNAL::NAGY (43009::NAGY)
= BitNet: NAGY at FNAL        = Internet: NAGY at FNALF.FNAL.GOV
= USnail: Fermilab POB 500 MS/234 Batavia, IL 60510

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