EMACS on SGI - cursor keys?

Rob MacLeod MACLEOD at cc.utah.edu
Tue Aug 28 05:55:26 AEST 1990

   Dear SGI/IBM/EMACS users!

   We have just become the proud, if still somewhat inept, owners of  SGI
   and IBM R6000 boxes and want to get emacs running on both. The version
   18.54, which we have for the SGI is up and running, but with some bugs.
   Most annoying is the lack of cursor keys on either the console or the
   Macs that we all use as terminals. The normal emacs control-sequences
   will drive the cursor as expected but hitting the cursor keys inserts
   A,B,C, or D, depending on which cursor comtrol we've pushed, and a blank
   line or two. Yes, I know that the letters are from the escape-sequences
   that the VT-1000 terminal normally outputs for the cursor keys. I have
   poked around enough to see that TERMCAP is replaced(?) or supplemented(?)
   on the SGI with TERMINFO and have even set up a modified version of the
   VT100 terminal description, which allows the cursor keys to work in VI,
   but this seems to be ignored by emacs.

   We are running TelNet (NCSA and SU-MacIP) over Appletalk and Ethernet to
   the SGI and have even tried coming in over a Vax running VMS and Multinet
   but to no avail. 

   Questions:1) How do we "adjust" the emacs code or SGI system parameters to
   allow us to use the cursor keys? and 2) Is there a version of emacs for
   the IBM R6000 or what has to be done to our edition to patch it enough to
   run under AIX?

   Any help will be MUCH appreciated!

   Rob MacLeod (macleod at cc.utah.edu or macleod at utahcca))
   Nora Eccles Harrison Cardiovascular Research and Training Institute
   University of Utah
   Salt Lake City

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