RAM size and performance

Amos Shapira amoss at huji.ac.il
Thu Aug 16 20:20:41 AEST 1990

 I have Personal Iris Super (25) and Entry (20). Both with 8Mb of RAM.
 When I compile on them I almost can't do anything else.

 I suspect that the problem might be, at least partially, because there
 is not enough memory. This suspicion is also supported by a friend
 who administrates other workstations, but I don't have other PI's to
 compare with.

 What do you say about buying more memory to make it a total of 16 or
 32Mb each (mainly performance-wise)?

 Also do you have any experience with connecting several X-terminals
 and/or VT220-style terminals to the PI (I'm mainly interested in
 performance, but comments about other issues are also welcome)?

Thanks in advance,
Amos Shapira,
amoss at batata.huji.ac.il

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