C++ 2.0 from SGI?

Andy Warinner andy at gistdev.gist.com
Tue Aug 7 02:47:35 AEST 1990

We have been using C++ (version 1.2) purchased from SGI on our
Personal Iris.  When will a version of C++ based on AT&T's version
2.0 be available from SGI?  I talked to an engineer at SGI's roving
demo semi and he said that SGI is using C++ 2.0 in house.  But he didn't
know of any plans to release it.  Does SGI have any plans to share
its goodies?

Andrew Warinner | "Semper ubi sub ubi" - J. Caesar
GIST, Inc.      |
Standard        | EMAIL:  andy at gistdev.gist.com
disclaimer...   |         {uunet, uiucuxc}!gistdev!andy

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