Hardware help on 4D/70GT

steve lamont spl at cs.nps.navy.mil
Fri Aug 17 01:05:43 AEST 1990

A collegue of mine has a 4D/70GT that is acting up and is, unfortunately, not
under warranty/maintenance due to budgetary constraints and the general
cheapness of the government :-).  The failure mode is essentially this:  

The system will crash, locked up solid, and have to be rebooted.  When it 
reboots, a series of messages as follows appear:

	ip0d0 error: csr 4050 unrecovered 0x29 <error=sector not found>
	block 0 Drive status: <DRDY, ONCYL, UALIVE, URDY>

[repeated several times with the block number incremented by 256 up to 2304]

	ip(0,0,8): can't read volume header
	couldn't determine fstype

The machine, obviously, refuses to boot when this happens.  The maddening part
of this is that if left to itself, the problem goes away (for a while) and the
system may be booted and used.  However, the ratio of uptime to downtime is
falling like a stricken falcon and the machine is effectively dead.

It looks like a disk controller problem to me but I'll admit that I'm just
guessing (in previous incarnations, my immediate reaction would be to call SGI
field service but, as noted above, that really isn't an option at the present

Any theories?  Please email, since I'm sure the rest of the group won't be all
that interested.  I'll pass them on to my collegue.  Maybe one of the
departmental techies can solve the problem with some guidance.

							spl (the p stands for
							perplexed, perturbed,
							and pained, all at the
							same time...)
Steve Lamont, SciViGuy -- (408) 646-2752
NPS Confuser Center, Code 0141/Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93940
"You're okay," said Honeysuckle.  "The dogs like you."
			- Charles Bukowski, "How to Get Published"

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