
Harmon J. Zuccola zuccola at max.gatech.edu
Tue Aug 28 08:15:14 AEST 1990

After skimming through back issues of info-iris.txt I still have a few
	1) Some time ago someone wrote about Encapsulated PS Files,
and what to do with them.  The problem I have is that I'd like to 
take a postscript file written on the iris and port over to my mac
so I can play around with the picture using something like pixel paint.
The problem is that that pixel paint doesn't know this is a postscript file (
by the way these can be big postscript files). I see a few ways around
	-Is there a program that converts postscript to PICT file format?
	-Is there a program that will change the file type of my postscript
	file to EPSF format
	-Small files can be pasted into a Cricket Draw postscript file,
	and then saved in EPSF format

	2)Better yet would be a program on the SGI that would let me edit a 
postscript file interactively so that I can place text on my picture of 
interest. Or shade some of the shapes in the picture. Sort of a MacPaint
or Cricket Draw for postscript.

	3) How do you get rid of those little grey dots, when you know
you should have a white background?
			Thanx in advance,

PS If you feel these are rehashed issues please just email me directly
at zuccola at max.gatech.edu  
|        HARMON JAY ZUCCOLA        |Email(ARPA) zuccola at max.gatech.edu |
|Dept of Chemistry and Biochemistry|Phone           404-894-8338       |
| Georgia Institute of Technology  |FAX             404-894-7452       |
|   Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0400    |                                   |

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