rsh (remote shell) -- undocumented(?) feature(?)

Urs Meyer meyer at
Wed Aug 29 21:17:52 AEST 1990

In article <1406 at contex.UUCP> bill at contex.UUCP (Bill Phillips) writes:
>I just discovered an apparently undocumented feature of the remote
>shell rsh (not to be confused with the restricted shell of the same
>name).  rsh imposes a umask of 022 on all programs run through it.
>    - might this be under the control of some configuration file?
>    I have definitely determined that neither ~/.profile nor
>    /etc/profile was responsible.

umask 22 is set in /etc/profile and /etc/cshrc.

>    - if this is a known "feature", is there some flag for rsh,
>    or some other way of turning it off (other than prepending
>    "umask 0;" to every command line sent through rsh)?

Probably not.

>We'll be turning off the umask from within the programs run by rsh
>now, but that only applies to our own software, of course.

Try if changing /etc/{cshrc,profile} helps before changing your software.

>William F Phillips,  Sr. Engr.,  Development Systems Development Group,
>    Xyvision Design Systems  +  101 Edgewater Drive  +  Wakefield, MA, USA
>        uunet!contex!bill                     (formerly wfp at well & wfp at dasys1)

Urs Meyer ---------- meyer at, {uunet,...}!mcsun!cernvax!unizh!meyer
University of Zurich, Dept of Computer Science, Multimedia Lab, CH-8057 Zurich

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