SGI's migration to X

Mike York zombie at voodoo.UUCP
Wed Aug 29 03:30:22 AEST 1990

We're looking in the crystal ball and trying to identify hardware and software
costs for the next year.  What's not clear to us is SGI's migration plan to X.
Is there one?  Will we have to buy the X Window Development System at $950
a pop for all of our PI's or will it come with the Software Development
Package?  Will we have to buy it for our 320S?

Anyone at SGI care to comment?  This whole area is very fuzzy right now...
    Mike York                            |  "I want to embrace you, but
    Boeing Computer Services             |   first, I have to satisfy
    (206) 234-7724                       |   my sense of moral outrage"
    zombie at                    |                  -Roger Rabbit

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