togif request

Frank P. DiGiuseppe fdg at mcgill-vision.uucp
Thu Aug 9 08:24:07 AEST 1990

Back when the source for "fromgif.c" was going around, I remember there
being mention of a "togif.c". If such a program exists (ie. one that
converts iris rgb images to GIF images) I was wondering if someone could
e-mail it to me. Even better would be a "tops.c" - converting directly
to postscript (currently I have just giftops.c). If anyone has one or both
of the above, I would greatly appreciate if they could send whatever
they have. Or, perhaps someone knows an ftp site that would stock the
above programs.

Thanks for any assistance,

Frank P. DiGiuseppe	       McGill Research Centre for Intelligent Machines
fdg at          Computer Vision and Robotics Lab, Dept. EE,
			       McGill University, Montreal

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