Using 'edge' with menu applications

Dan Watts dwatts at ki.UUCP
Fri Aug 17 23:39:54 AEST 1990

I've just started using the window based debugger on the SGI and ran into
some problems.  In my .edgerc file I put the line:

size user 80 24

which is supposed to define the window size of the user output window.
Unfortunately, the window still comes up as the default small window.
If I remove the "80 24", then I can size the window using the initial
rubber-band window it gives.  Does the "size" command want the size
in pixels or character spaces?

  Is there a way to make the user output window use screen control codes?
My package uses tputs() and makes the required calls of the termcap
routines.  This works fine from a "normal" wsh window but doesn't work
at all in the edge user window.  I see all the control codes displayed.
# CompuServe: >INTERNET:uunet.UU.NET!ki!dwatts    Dan Watts         #
# UUCP      : ...!uunet!ki!dwatts                 Ki Research, Inc. #
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