rbriber at POLY1.NIST.GOV rbriber at POLY1.NIST.GOV
Tue Aug 28 00:42:57 AEST 1990

Has anyone been using PC-NFS (from Sun) with their Iris?  I can't
seem to get the two communcicating.  The Iris says it's exporting
the file system, the PC goes looking for it but the two never meet.

Does anyone have any experience in getting these two working together?

I'm running Irix 3.2 on a 4D80GT with PC-NFS 3.0.1.

Thanks in advance...

| Adios Amoebas,      | "I've tried and I've tried and I'm still mystified,  |
|   Robert Briber     |  I can't do it anymore and I'm not satisfied."       |
|   224/B210  NIST    |                                 --Elvis              |
|   Gaithersburg, MD  |------------------------------------------------------|
|   20899  USA        | rbriber at poly1.nist.gov   (Internet)                  |
|(301) 975-6775(voice)| rbriber at enh.nist.gov     (Internet)                  |
|(301) 975-2128 (fax) | rbriber at nbsenh           (Bitnet)                    |

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