repost of "reclaiming disconnected login"

Thu Aug 16 23:07:00 AEST 1990

I posted this question once earlier, but received no replies.  As the
problem still exists for me, I'll try just one more time.  Thanks in advance.

Here's the original:

Is there any way to recalim control of a login or process from which you've
been (perhaps unexpectedly) separated?  It is not uncommon for the dialup
connection that I use to access my Iris to fail.  The connection is to
someone else's machine, from which I telnet to the Iris.  Usually when the
connection is severed, I can just log back in and kill the leftovers.  But,
sometimes it would be nice to be able to get back in control of them and 
end them in a civilized way.  Any help would be appreciated.

	Robert Sears
	university of Michigan, Dept. of Physics
	sears at
	sears at UMIPHYS.bitnet

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