Workspace launched from remote terminal

meuer meuer at
Thu Aug 16 01:11:51 AEST 1990

karron at MCIRPS2.MED.NYU.EDU writes:

>jdm at writes:
>>       When someone is logged onto the console, and a remote
>>user starts up a gl program, it gets sent to the console.
>>       One of our users has something set so that when he logs
>>in remotely, his workspace appears on the console.
>>       Is there anyway to prevent these things from happening?
>>Its rather disconcerting to the console user, not to mention somewhat
>>of a security problem...


>I have found two ways.

>1) startup workspace from your or files.  The incantation
>was posted some time ago, and I will get it for you if you want it.  The good
>news is that the shell containing workspace will ONLY start if you own the gl
>window.  The problem is that the shell you start from postscript will be run
>prior to your .login and .cshrc, and will not be a child process that will
>know anything from your .login.  Some people have complained that an editor
>started from workspace in this way will not know what term to use or which
>printer to use if you depending on setting these vars in your .login .

>2) startup workspace in your .login, and run it only if your TERM is the
>iris-ansi and your REMOTEHOST is not set. There are many other hacks to
>test where you are logging in from. The problem with this is that you
>have to test if workspace is running already, or every new window you
>open will also run .login and workspace will intrude itself onto your
>window after you have pushed it below other windows.

The way I've gotten around the problem with number two is to put code
like this in my .login:

	if ( "`tty`" == "/dev/console" ) then
This way only the "true" console window will start the workspace, and
you'll only get that window (in my experience) if you are actually at
the Iris screen.  The only thing that this requires is that you open a
console window, which most account configurations do by default


Mark Meuer                         |       1200 Washington Ave. So.
Geometry Supercomputer Project	   |	   Minneapolis, MN  55415  
meuer at		   |	   (612) 624-1867          

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