mknetpr for non SGI machines.

Phil Karlton karlton at
Tue Aug 7 06:19:30 AEST 1990

In article <1990Aug4.195822.18376 at>, murthy at
(Nagesh Murthy) writes:
|> Now what I am trying to do is that I need to access a Postscript printer
|> that is physically connected to a SUN Workstation and not a PI. 
|> Well, for any other SUN Workstation to access a printer connected to another
|> SUN Workstation I need to have the printcap file properly set. But in case 
|> of PIs I am not sure how it is done since the lp deamon does not seem
to read
|> a printcap file (or am I wrong?). 

Basically, lp and lpr do not talk to each other at all. You need to use
the bsd spooler software. The client side of it is on the eoe2 tape.

  eoe2.sw.bsdlpr =>  BSD Line Printer Spooling Utilities

Basically what is available is a built version of the software; not much
other help is provided. (There is a sample printcap file.) In
particular, the visual admin tools don't handle the BSD printing
utilties at all.


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