screen dumps

Stephen Boyd Gowing II sbg at
Mon Aug 27 20:46:13 AEST 1990

I am posting this for a friend - we aren't sure if any mail can reach him
so send all replies to me.


	I am currently doing a project on an Iris, in which I need to save 
any section of the screen to an rgb file or similar image file format. I 
have looked at icut but don't have the source code (is it available?). Could 
anyone provide information concerning methods of dumping portions of screen.

	Neil Van Domselaar


sbg at
   /\     P  r  o  g  r  a  m  m  e  r  s  '    S  o  c  i  e  t  y
  /% \                                                          
 /%%  \   University of Technology, Sydney                     
/%%%___\  progsoc at    "My hovercraft is full of eels"

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