Fortran, number-crunching: any documentation?

arritt at arritt at
Wed Aug 1 03:06:34 AEST 1990

We have several largish Fortran codes (5000-20,000 lines) for doing numerical
simulations.  These are not "canned" routines; most were developed for other
machines (mainly Crays) and all of them undergo continual modification to add
more sophisticated physical parameterizations, better numerical schemes, etc.

Unfortunately, the SGI documentation is not particularly helpful
with regard to developing Fortran (rather than C) codes, however converting the
codes to C is not a viable option for several reasons.  It also seems that 
number-crunching in general is something of a neglected stepchild for SGI 
as compared to graphics, despite the excellent floating-point performance
of their systems.  (Yes, I know what the "G" stands for in SGI...)

Have any of you written up any documentation for development and maintenance
of f77 codes?  (Our systems are 4D/25G, though I'd imagine a lot of the things
would generalize.)  We could probably, after weeks of RTFM and a lot of 
trial-and-error, figure out how to do most of the things we need to do.
But we thought we'd ask the net before re-inventing the wheel, so to speak.

Thanks for whatever help you can provide.

Raymond W. Arritt                 | 
Asst. Professor                   |
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy    |
University of Kansas              |
Lawrence, KS  66045               |
arritt at         |
arritt at ukanvax.bitnet             |

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