X11R4 (I know, you've heard it before.)

Williams, Greg gw18 at prism.gatech.EDU
Fri Aug 3 10:19:51 AEST 1990

This is Yet Another Request for information on getting X11R4 to run on a
Personal Iris running Irix 3.2.  I would have read the previous articles
concerning this issue if they hadn't been expired on our system.

I need to be able to write a graphics application using R4 on a PI.  I know
that a server is included with Irix 3.2.  Can I compile the R4 libraries and
use them with the server that is included?  Any and all information regarding
getting R4 working on the PI would be appreciated.  Send me mail as I don't
normally read this group, and most people here have heard the R4 stories
anyway.  :-)

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