GL Reference Cards?

Michael Hart hart at
Fri Aug 3 02:51:55 AEST 1990

Quick question:
	Does anyone out there know of any refence cards
for the SGI GL library cards?  You know, something small to
keep at hand as a quick ref?
	I hate having to poke around through the books just
to see if there is anything like what I have in mind.

(Some of you are probably wondering: is this the same person
who posts those dumb beginner C questions?  And now he's going
to try using the GL?  Not a chance!!

You're right! I'm in far beyond what I'm able to do!  But, I figure,
after 6- or 7 hundred compiles, and 2 or three hundred thousand
questions, who knows?)

Don't I get at least an E for effort?

Michael G. Hart   hart at /  mhart at
DTRC/DoD			  |  "Wherever you go, there you are."- me
DISCLAIMER: If you want the Navy's opinion, talk to Secretary Cheney.

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