Sorry for the waste of net bandwidth, but HEELLLPPP!!!

Peter Jaspers-Fayer SOFPJF at VM.UOGUELPH.CA
Tue Aug 7 10:33:21 AEST 1990

I have tried on several (at least 3) occasions to subscribe to info-
iris by sending mail to info-iris-request at BRL.MIL.  Some of these
attempts were well over 2 months ago, and as recent as last week.
Someone else here is also unable to join ('uaslisa').

I have received not a peep from anyone, and so, I beg the forgiveness of
the readership at large, and make a plea to any human administrator of
this list for help.  If ANYONE has suggestions, please mail to me
direct (although I hope that my collegues here - who HAVE been able to
get on the list - will forward things...)

We probably have enough readership here to set up a BITNET LISTSERV
peer (if that means anything to you unix gurus), and that would save
a lot of bother, both to the administrators of this list and to those
poor souls (like me) who still use VM/CMS as their primary mail drop.

/PJ                                                SofPJF at VM.UoGuelph.Ca
(Probably also reachable (until ?) at             SOFPJF at UOGUELPH.BITNET)
"C:"  What it lacks in readability it makes up for in ambiguity.

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