Third Party Hardware

Doug Eastick eastick at
Thu Aug 23 21:02:06 AEST 1990

In article <9008222144.aa20683 at VGR.BRL.MIL> SOFGBOS at VM.UOGUELPH.CA (Gerrit) writes:

>After I got my Personal Iris, the folks at Falcon Systems, Inc. sent me a
>brochure (Dear Silicon Graphics User:-) describing their third-party
>hardware.  The prices seemed to be flexible after I phoned them, so it may
>be worth your while to haggle a bit.  They claim 100% compatibility.

>What I could not figure out is how they got my name (as opposed to quite
>a few other people in our department that also got PI's... ah well.

>Their vital stats are:

>Patsy Zimmerman        (she hand-signed the letter)

She called me at HOME one day.  I guess she couldn't get my work
number so she tried 411.

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