Ronald Jacoby rj at
Tue Aug 28 01:42:34 AEST 1990

In article <9008242300.AA44237084 at pdi.UUCP> shoshana at (Shoshana Abrass) writes:
>  I noticed that 3.3 has an entry for SNMP (Simple Network Management
>  Protocol) in the /etc/services file, but I couldn't find an associated
>  daemon. Questions:
>	Does it make sense to get SNMP data from a host that's not 
>	a gateway?
>	Does sgi have a daemon/program that answers SNMP queries?
>	Can I get it without paying $8,000 for the Whizzy Graphical
>	Interface Network Management program?
>  I'm pretty new to SNMP so any answers would be greatly appreciated.
>  -shoshana
>=============== Disclaimer necessitated by mailpath: ===============
>         I don't work for sgi, I just work downstream.

SGI does not currently ship an SNMP daemon, but we have committed to SNMP
support and will be part of the SNMP demonstration at InterOp '90 in
San Jose Oct. 8-12.

The $8000 Network Management product you speak of is NetVisualyzer.  It is
a set of passive network monitoring and diagnostic tools that can display
network traffic in real-time, draw traffic histograms, and capture and decode
packets from the network.

Ronald Jacoby						Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Technical Lead - Network Management			2011 N. Shoreline Blvd.
rj at						Mountain View, CA 94806
(415) 335-1371						(415) 960-1980

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