Disabling auto repeat

Doctor Benway archer at elysium.esd.sgi.com
Thu Dec 6 12:43:33 AEST 1990

In <17919 at thorin.cs.unc.edu> surles at robinett.cs.unc.edu (Mark Surles) writes:

*I want to receive one event when a key is pressed down and one
*event when a key is released.  When the keyboard is configured 
*with auto-repeat enabled, multiple key pressed events are queued
*if a key is held for more than 0.5 seconds.
*How can I disable the keyboard auto-repeat?  I really want a 
*means to do this from with my graphics program and then
*restore the original keyboard configuration when the program
*Does anyone know how to do this from 4Sight?

Yes, you can do this in 3.3.  

There is a command called 'keywarp', which allows you to set the time until
repeat starts, as well as the rate of repeat.  If you set both numbers to
really high values, you can effectively turn auto-repeat off.

"If I hear one more horrible James Brown imitation, I'll just die."
                                -- Leonard Bernstein                          
Archer Sully  <archer at sgi.com>

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