Stereo sync (swapinterval)

Andrew Certain certain at
Wed Dec 5 09:50:06 AEST 1990

I admit it:  I was wrong.  My problem was more complex.  I have
realized that swapbuffers indeed does block once you try to do a
graphics call.  I have discovered that my problem was that although
usually my program could draw the scene in 1/60th of a second,
sometimes it wouldn't, and the eye would switch.  I can't use
swapinterval because the plate we have switchs at 60Hz on its
slowest setting.  I guess we're going to have to go to a different
stereo system like one with active glasses, since, no matter
how simple the scene is that you're drawing, it is always
possible that somebody will grab the processor for long enough
to cause a left-right switch.  Do people have recommendations on
stereo systems?  What about StereoView?

On a slightly different note, I called m_set_procs to set the
number of procedures on an m_fork to three and ran my program
and was interested to see that, using gr_osview, all four
processors we being used to a non-negligible(sp?) extent?
Why does this happen?  I think the same thing happens if I set
it to two....

Andrew Certain
certain at

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