IRIS clusters

David Stewart CMSDS at UGA.CC.UGA.EDU
Fri Dec 21 05:15:05 AEST 1990

    I am interested in finding out about "clustered" IRISes, that is
a group of IRISes within one logical group (lab).  It is possible that
we may be able to purchase a number of Personal Irises to go along with
our existing 4D/70GT.  My question is:  Should we go with disks or
diskless (they will be linked via FDDI).  What experiences have others
had with similar setups (even those not linked by FDDI).
    The boxes will be spread throughout at least 5 buildings (all linked
by FDDI).
    We haven't had a lot of feedback from our regional sgi office about
this (we consider ourselves very lucky if we can get quotes back from them
within 2 weeks).
    The applications that we would run would be molecular-modeling based:
    Please send your comments to cmsds at

    Thank you in advance for your assistance, and Happy Holidays.

David Stewart

   | David Stewart - University Computing and Networking Services  |
   |                 Specialized Systems Support  - (404) 542-5110 |
   |                 University of Georgia - Athens, GA            |
   | Internet:  CMSDS at UGA.CC.UGA.EDU   |   Bitnet:  CMSDS at UGA      |
   |            -or- STEWART%GANDAL.DNET at SERVER.UGA.EDU            |

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