PI Problems
Bernard J. Duffy
bernie at umbc3.UMBC.EDU
Tue Feb 27 07:28:23 AEST 1990
In article <51649 at sgi.sgi.com> brendan at illyria.wpd.sgi.com (Brendan Eich) writes:
>In article <9002220905.aa28986 at VAT.BRL.MIL>, jra at BRL.MIL ("John R. Anderson", VLD/ASB) writes:
>> 1. The other day, I changed the net addresses on our PI's, and
>> at the same time I happened to place a notice to the user's in /etc/motd.
>> ... some of this deleted ....
>The BSD rcp protocol is fragile: as the friendly manual page says in its
>BUGS section:
> [Rcp is] confused by any output generated by commands in a .login,
> .profile, or .cshrc file on the remote host.
>The problem is not having a non-empty /etc/motd on the remote host, but
>the fact that the remote user's .profile or .cshrc file cats /etc/motd
>(the above-quoted warning about .login is erroneous -- the remote half of
>rcp uses does not involve a login shell, so .login is not sourced).
>Csh users can cat motd-like files from their .login files. But users of
>any shell shouldn't need to cat /etc/motd, as /etc/profile and /etc/cshrc
>do so for all login shells upon startup.
But what about X-term users. I noticed that xterminal sessions (logins) into
the SGI machines don't have the benifit of /etc/cshrc (don't know about
/etc/profile for sh users.. don't have any). And not only does that not
get executed, neither does the .login ! So, the only way to get /etc/motd
is to do it in the ~.cshrc as I've done below to get once :
if ($?prompt) then
# Prompt was set... for interactive session/ not process command
if !($?BJD_ETC_CSHRC) then
if ($?DISPLAY) then
source /etc/cshrc
setenv BJD_ETC_CSHRC 1
>Brendan Eich
>Silicon Graphics, Inc.
>brendan at sgi.com
This isn't an SGI-only problem, I've noticed this with DEC's Ultrix as well,
but had an easier time working the .cshrc since SGI's setup of the DISPLAY
is a bit sloppy (sets DISPLAY even thought there's no Xterm... convience
for the "console" user to run x programs while in wsh).
There may be a solution to this, but I haven't accidently run acrossed it
Bernie Duffy.
Bernie Duffy Systems Programmer II | Bitnet : BERNIE at UMBC2
Academic Computing - L005e | Internet : BERNIE at UMBC2.UMBC.EDU
Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County | UUCP : ...!uunet!umbc3!bernie
Baltimore, MD 21228 (U.S.A.) | W: (301) 455-3231 H: (301) 744-2954
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