Call for Comments on Nexpert Object
Tim_Buxton at UM.CC.UMICH.EDU
Tim_Buxton at UM.CC.UMICH.EDU
Fri Feb 23 14:02:32 AEST 1990
Nexpert Object is a package for producing rule-based
Expert Systems produced by Neuron Data.
It has been on the Macintosh II and PC-AT
for 2-3 years now, and has recently been ported to the IRIS.
We are potentially very interested in Nexpert Object, but
are daunted somewhat by the price ($8000 for the package,
$600 for a "Crippled Demo" version). We would appreciate
it if some people with experience with this or other systems
would comment on:
1. Capability and Speed Performance of the program,
and on what IRIS models this is based. Comparison
with the "micro" versions would be helpful if known.
2. Quality of support from Neuron Data. Is their
SGI version competent or an afterthought? Are you
able to get help when you need it?
Nexpert Object is listed in the Geometry Partners book, but
the salesman we contacted seemed to have knowledge which
was sketchy to nil about the SGI version. Thanks for
any information you can give us.
-Tim Buxton
OptiMetrics, Inc.
Tim_Buxton at
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