F77 minor problem
Knobi der Rechnerschrat
Thu Feb 8 17:38:25 AEST 1990
there seems to be a minor problem in the f77 documentation (and the
compiler). Five month ago we upgraded our software (includng f77) to
IRIX 3.2. For f77 we got replacements of the "Languagereference manual",
the "reference Manual Pages" and the "Release Notes". The "Programmer's
Guide" was not updated and is still Rev 1.0. On page 1-11 of that manual
the options "-C" and "-check_bounds" are referenced. Both cope (as stated)
with subscript-range checking at runtime. "-C" (wich is also documented
in the Rev 2.0 Manual Pages) works fine. If you use "-check_bounds", you
a) a very small executable
b) a very unexecutable executable;
For me it seems "-check_bounds" is obsolete in Rev 2.0 and the reference
should be removed from future releases of the "pogrammer's guide" and (thats
the sw-bug) it shouldn't be accepted by the f77-command. Try to compile the
appended test-program and see what happens if you compile it severall ways:
f77 -g t.f -o t
f77 -C -g t.f -o t
f77 -check_bounds -g t.f -o t
Have fun
Martin Knoblauch
program test
dimension a(10)
do 10 i=1,12
a(i) = i
10 continue
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