FFT's on 4D/2XX systems
Bron Campbell Nelson
bron at bronze.wpd.sgi.com
Tue Feb 13 11:08:25 AEST 1990
In article <9002121724.AA17444 at tom.dallas.sgi.com>, treed%tom.dallas at SGI.COM (Thomas E Reed) writes:
> I'm looking for any FFT software that is available and runs on the
> 4D/2XX products. The faster the better especially if it is parallel code or
> has been parallelized.
Kuck and Associates, Inc (KAI) has several numerical libraries that are
optimized for the SGI multi-processor. I do not know for *sure* that they
include FFT's, but I believe they do. The libraries are parallelized
to take advantage of SGI's multiprocessor machines.
They can be reached at 1906 Fox Drive; Champaign, IL 61820 (217)356-2288.
I believe Ms. Davida Bluhm is their marketing person. They are also on the
net: I believe [d]bluhm at kai.com works, but I won't guarentee it. I have no
benchmarks or pricing information.
All possible disclaimers apply; this is posted purely for informational
Bron Campbell Nelson
bron at sgi.com or possibly ..!ames!sgi!bron
These statements are my own, not those of Silicon Graphics.
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