Help needed: Does anyone have a berkeley lpd running on Irix?
Greg Hamm
Wed Feb 28 05:47:00 AEST 1990
We're trying to get a few SGI's set up in a sea of VAX/VMS and bsd
Unix boxes. Tying together printing services is one of the things we'd
like to do, and the best way on the Unix side would seem to be to use
the Berkeley 'lpd' scheme. However, this is not provided with Irix, and,
so far, we've been unable to find anyone who has lpd up on an Iris.
Can anybody out there help? All hints/tips/pointers will be appreciated;
I'll summarize here if there are replies of interest.
Thanks in advance,
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Gregory H. Hamm || Phone: (201)932-4864
Director, Molecular Biology Computing Lab || FAX: (201)932-5735
Waksman Institute/CABM || BITNET: hamm at biovax
P.O. Box 759, Rutgers University || Internet: hamm at
Piscataway, NJ 08855 * USA ||
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