diffs for rgb -> color postscript
dave "who can do? ratmandu!" ratcliffe
dave at ratmandu.sgi.com
Fri Feb 2 02:14:40 AEST 1990
In article <4709 at amelia.nas.nasa.gov> izen at cwru.cwru.edu (Steven H. Izen) writes:
...stuff about modifying ~4Dgifts/iristools/imgtools/tops.c to convert an
an rgb image file to color postscript...
>Oh, does anyone at SGI know whether it's kosher to post the complete source
>here? Ie, are there any copyright problems as far as SGI is concerned?
Steve: as the "psuedo" 4Dgifts "manager-type" for SGI, i can confirm for you
that there are no copyright problems as far as SGI is concerned. this
stuff is wide-open as far as posting complete versions of modified
source, comparing notes, etc. to quote from a piece of the
~4Dgifts/README file:
...we welcome your feedback/ideas/requests for additions/changes (and even
i for one would appreciate the opportunity to see yer complete file
version (altho i'm not sure where in-house we have any color
postscript printers... will have to investigate). posting it here
in its entirety would be great.
i was one of those primarily responsible for getting 4Dgifts going on
the 4D machines back in 1988 as a reincarnation of the 2/3000 machine
subtree known as /usr/people/gifts. altho this was about a year and
a half late (it should have been planned for/implemented when the 4D
family line was originally being put on rails in the beginning of
1987), it was nevertheless a very helpful resource both for user's as
well as all of us here in support engineering (aka the hotline) as a
means of more quickly isolating where something might be going wrong
when someone called in with a question/problem/etc.. since there's
never enuff time in a day, 4Dgifts' potential as a whole is always
only about one third to one half (in my opinion) realized, but due to
time constraints, well, more always needs to be done.
so altho the ~4Dgifts/README file might not be explicit enuff, we
DO welcome user's ideas/suggestions/etc for ways to increase the
usefulness of this resource.
daveus rattus
yer friendly neighborhood ratman
ko.yan.nis.qatsi (from the Hopi Language) n. 1. crazy life. 2. life
in turmoil. 3. life out of balnace. 4. life disintegrating.
5. a state of life that calls for another way of living.
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