Batch system NQS for iris and others
Paul Jackson
pj at
Tue Feb 20 09:39:19 AEST 1990
In article <9002161142.aa10870 at SMOKE.BRL.MIL>, TORDA at HGRRUG52.BITNET writes:
> A question about the availability of a batch sytem:
> There is a batch system called
> Network Queueing Service (NQS)
> which is either available for new iris's or will be soon.
> Our intention would be to run it on a new iris server.
> My question is the following:
> From some scanty documentation it would seem possible to set this
> thing up so a little workstation could feed a queue running on one of
> the iris servers. This would require NQS to run on the little machine.
> Does anyone know more about this product ?
> Is it possible to feed an Iris queue from another vendor machine ?
> -Andrew Torda (bitnet) torda at hgrrug52
We at Silicon Graphics anticipate releasing a port of NQS as an option
later this year. The product has begun testing at limited sites.
It supports network queuing, from a workstation to a server.
The results of our interoperability testing with other vendor's machines
are not available yet - we're hopeful but no promises yet.
Contact Dan Vivoli (danv at for information.
Thanks, take care ...
Paul Jackson (pj at, x1373
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